Three Favorite Coronavirus Protection Strategies

animals using coronavirus protection strategies

Back in March 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic, I wrote about my 3 favorite Coronavirus protection strategies. A lot has changed since then, and with the outbreak of Omicron, it’s time to share an update.

Remember! The more protection strategies you use, the more you lower your risk of infection and severity of the disease. So let’s take a look at what we can do.

1. Use a Livinguard mask

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Livinguard masks

This mask was recommended to me by an ER doctor/virologist who mentioned either wearing an N95 mask, or a mask from Livinguard. Personally, I prefer the Livinguard masks.

So why Livinguard masks? First, they fit well, cleanly over the nose without a gap. The mask leaves plenty of room so you can talk and are comfortable and the ear hooks can be adjusted to fit perfectly.

But the biggest differentiator is they use fabric that kills 99.9% of SARS-CoV2! And they have the research to prove it!

Prices are excellent and they are often on sale! Right now they are having a 50% off holiday sale that lasts until 12/6/2021!

2. Get vaccinated

There are a lot of rumors circulating about the dangers of vaccines. But in my 10 years of identifying root causes, I can safely say that vaccine injuries in my clients have been extremely rare, and if they do occur, they are minor.

In fact, here are some examples of things that are more dangerous than vaccines:

  1. Cooking
  2. Flying
  3. Driving
  4. Walking downtown
  5. Getting the Coronavirus

I suspect most people that claim to have vaccine injuries blame the vaccine because it’s an easy target. Most people don’t realize we are regularly exposed to toxins and pathogens which are much more likely to be the root cause of any new health issues.

brave little girl receiving vaccine

Ever since the dawn of civilization, infectious disease has ravaged populations. They were common and caused early childhood mortality – families had so many children because they didn’t expect them to survive! But in the last 40 years, except for AIDS, the US has been relatively epidemic-free.

Why? Because effective vaccines have eradicated many diseases, like polio, smallpox and diptheria. In fact, we owe our long lifespans, sense of safety, and ability to live more liberally than past generations, to vaccinations.

Many people associate vaccinations with big pharma, but vaccines didn’t start that way. Before vaccines, there were variolations. For example, Smallpox ravaged populations century after century all over the world. Then mothers in Turkey started variolation parties to protect their kids from the disease that threatened to disfigure them. They rubbed infectious material from the pustules of sick patients to give their kids a minor version of the disease. The concept of antibody hadn’t been developed yet, but they were helping kids build the antibodies needed, so when they were exposed, they were better able to fight it off. The parties were so widespread that while the rest of the world was pockmarked by the disease, people living in Turkey were able to retain healthy skin.

As an epidemiologist and neuroscientist, I see so many people being misled by doctors who claim to have the inside scoop on the harm of vaccines. So why aren’t these doctors reporting their findings to the scientific community where the methods could be checked and repeated? Why are they going directly to the public? Because they don’t have the humility to have their work properly reviewed which suggests to me that they can’t substantiate their findings.

My advice is to listen to scientists that publish their work in scientific journals. They will be more careful with how they interpret their findings, and will, more often than not, end their conclusions with ‘more research needs to be done’.

You can read more about how to determine if you are being misled here.

3. Use Hypochlorous acid (HOCL)

HOCL is made endogenously by our white blood cells to kill pathogens, it kills a huge variety of viruses and bacteria, and has been approved for use against the Coronavirus!

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I learned about HOCL from Dr. Klinghardt, a world-renowned naturopath in Woodinville, WA. Dr. Klinghardt’s office infuses Briotech HOCl throughout their environment, and until the idea spread, they believed they had the safest office in the country because of it!  

We can use Briotech HOCL to disinfect our mucous membranes! That means you can use it to disinfect your eyes, spray it up your nostrils, and in your mouth! I do this whenever I leave a public place. I can detect pathogens, so if I know I have a pathogen in my eyes, nose, ears or throat I spray it with Briotech, and can often tell the difference quickly! I even spray my cat if I know she has a pathogen – it’s much better than giving her a bath (which she hates!).

For cleaning at home, and disinfecting your air, there’s a cheaper form of HOCL you can buy through Force of Nature.

force of nature

They sell an electrolyzer device which you use to make your own HOCL. You just fill it with water, add a capsule and turn it on. It starts to fizzle and takes nine minutes to create the solution. Then you transfer it into a spray bottle, and it lasts for two weeks. You can spray just about everything with it, they even recommend using it to wash your toothbrush and disinfect produce – but I would not spray the homemade version on my face.

I love how easy it makes cleaning! There are no suds, so no rinsing. I use it to disinfect everything, and often (depending on what I’m cleaning), I just spray and let it dry!

You can see why I’m super excited about these products! They are so biocompatible and there’s no fragrance – it just smells like a light saline solution!

Check out what they say about how their products kill pathogens, including the Coronavirus:

Both Briotech and Force of Nature are on the EPA’s list of disinfectants to kill the Coronavirus. I use Briotech when I spray my face, and my cat, but otherwise use Force of Nature. Here are the links to order Briotech and Force of Nature.

Early signs do suggest Omicron is more infectious than any other Coronavirus. Plus, because so many people remain unvaccinated, most virologists and public health experts think Coronavirus is likely going to be endemic (here to stay). I love these products because they are cost effective, friendly for the earth, biocompatible, and easy to use! I know these products and protections have made being out in public far less stressful for me, as I hope they do for you.

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