2 Tales of Healing the Heart

2 tales of healing the heart

Ever since we evacuated from my apartment due to mold, my cat, Tuk Tuk, has suffered from an endless cycle of horrific health problems thanks to the mold still lurking in her body. 

One of the issues is that mold and yeast keep flaring up in her heart, lungs and thoracic area. The first week I started noticing this problem, I found a mold was creating holes in her heart – going from 1 to 3 holes in just a few minutes!

I kept trying to clear the mold… but the one that was making the holes was working at a terrifying pace! Unfortunately, mold and yeast create a lot of stickiness, making it hard for the immune system (and me) to find. It was producing more stickiness at a rapid pace that I couldn’t clear, and I realized it could soon get out of hand!

I made sure she had the antibodies to fight it herself. But I really didn’t think her immune system (which is far from strong) would be up to the fight.

Sadly, I realized this was likely the end for her – her heart was working at a 0.1/10… and I didn’t have a way out.

Nutrition for the Heart

As I lost hope and thought the end was eminent, my spirit guides advised me to switch to palliative care. I heard, “Just take care of emotional needs and relieve pain, feed and love her.”

The thoughts about end of life were running through my head.. and as much as I didn’t want to, I was getting emotionally ready to let her go. 

Then, about an hour later… I noticed something… her heart was back at a 1/10 – how had that happened!?! Then I realized addressing her emotional needs was providing nutrition for the heart! I released the barriers for her to feel loved, and her heart got stronger and stronger – up to a 7/10!

But it went back down to a 3 – still, one could survive that! Then I used a rapid healing frequency, and the 3 holes repaired in 1.5 hours!!

I was floored and relieved!

Later that day I couldn’t stop coughing. I tried quick fixes, but nothing worked until I took some time to thoroughly address the issue. I found mold, yeast etc. in my lungs and in my thoracic area, just as I had found with Tuk Tuk. The same molds and yeast were affecting my heart in the same ways as her! 

I found mold and yeast in the outer layer of fascia in front of my heart. As I cleared pathogens, I found this hole that kept going deeper and deeper into my body, until it reached my heart!! And, then I found a hole on the other side of my heart that went straight to my back – I felt like I had been shot through the heart! It seemed like a true reflection of what had happened with the loss of the apartment I loved so much, and how it nearly killed, (and still regularly threatens to kill) my furbaby, Tuk Tuk.

Healing the Heart

While trying to heal from all this, I cleared pathogens and cleaned up the tissues. But I knew the only way I could truly repair my heart was to let love in! Something that has never been easy for me. Love literally is the nutrient for the heart!  It can’t thrive without it!!  And so, like Tuk Tuk, I had to release the barriers to feeling love – and we both had to heal our hearts by loving each other!  

I don’t think Tuk Tuk will be with me much longer. She has an overwhelming number of health issues that I just can’t keep up with thanks to that awful mold. She will always hold a special place in my heart. She allowed me to safely open my heart to love. 

Please share this article with anyone who may need to consider releasing barriers to love in order to heal.

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