Vibrational Medicine

The Power of Vibrational Medicine

Vibrational Medicine

My discovery story...

Whenever I enter a healer’s fair or bookstore, I have a little conversation with Spirit if there is something I need to get. At the Association for Energy Psychology Conference, I was guided to a book called The Resonance Effect by Carolyn McMakin. Dr. McMakin, a chiropractor, had discovered an old machine in her office that allowed her to deliver specific frequencies to clients to aid in their ability to heal. As author of A Comprehensive Review of the Psychological Effects of Brainwave Entrainment, none of this was terribly surprising to me. But I could not understand why I was being called to read this book!

I can... what???

Then on a hike alone, I was talking with Spirit about this book and asking again why I had been called to read it. I was told I didn’t need to buy her machine. Then I found myself thinking about others in my healing community who channel spirit guides. I was remembering how a psychic who I didn’t know, looked at me and almost shouted, "OMG you have an army behind you". I was in front of a wall, and I had no idea what she was talking about. She later told me that I had "an army" of spirit guides! Meanwhile, I’d been hearing about more and more accounts of accomplished authors, and highly educated people going to John of God and experiencing psychic surgery and other incredible miracles. (Believe me... it took years before I was willing to entertain the idea that this was possible!). I remember thinking, how come they can channel? I want to! And suddenly I heard this voice in my head that said, "You can!".

"WHAT?!?", I said.   "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?"   It was beginning to dawn on me why I was being guided to read the book.  I was getting the message that I could channel frequencies!  The healer in me was excited!  The scientist in me was skeptical!

Testing the message

I felt sporadic pain in my knees and it was especially a concern when hiking downhill. On this hike, I asked if I could channel a frequency to lower inflammation. I was able to, and the pain went away, and never came back for the remaining 90 minutes of my hike! I was pleasantly surprised but needed more evidence. A few minutes later, I bit into a Cliff bar, and suddenly felt a surge of pain in my mouth. On a pain scale, it was about a 5/10! Again, I channeled a frequency to lower the inflammation, and the pain went away in under a minute! I ate again about 5 minutes later, and it was if the experience had never happened! I found other things that needed to be addressed from both my cat and me, and it worked about 90% of the time. When it didn’t, it meant that either I wasn’t addressing the problem correctly, or that it was necessary but not sufficient for change to occur.

Since then, I’ve used it to help clients reduce inflammation, clear up blood clots, clear pathogens, and toxins, modify the consistency of blood, and even regenerate stem cells!

For another perspective on the power of vibrational medicine, check out the article: A future perspective for regenerative medicine:  Understanding the concept of Vibrational Medicine by Kavita Beri.

Why are frequencies so powerful?

Because frequencies modify what the Chinese call Qi. Qi is not just energy, but organized energy. Organized energy contains fields that govern the movement of life.

For example, pigeons (and other species) navigate their way around the earth using their connection with the magnetic field.

Qi helps the body know where cells should go to form organs in development. In this video, you can see bioelectric signals proceeding with the development of a face in a frog.

“ The field is the sole governing agent of the particle”   - Albert Einstein

Qi is analogous to the music in a choreographed dance or musical number.

Imagine that your cells and molecules are busy making things like in a factory. If the processes aren’t well organized, things don’t get done efficiently. Now if this were to take place in a musical, a piece of music would turn on, a character would start to sing, and pretty soon the entire factory would erupt in a coordinated song and dance. Everything would be exactly where it should be when needed. If you needed a part, it would be tossed to you just as you were ready to catch it. Everything would get done efficiently with joy, coordinated effort, and ease.

Like in the musical, the Qi flowing properly allows your cells and molecules to function efficiently in a coordinated fashion.  As a dancer, when we danced without music to “mark the piece”, we always needed someone to keep the rhythm going.  Without it, there would be a lot more accidents, and the piece could easily descend into chaos. Similarly, when your cells don’t have that organizational energy, you can easily have more anarchy!  And with too much anarchy, our systems can falter or break down.

Channeling frequencies is just one way I work with Qi to optimize health. I also apply the understanding of Qi from Chinese acupuncture, to my work with the Body Code.

Are you ready to get a sense of what is possible for you? Contact me here to schedule your complimentary consultation.


Working with Dr. Tina a couple of weeks ago was the first time I had encountered resonance healing. I was open to anything that could help the tightness and stiffness behind my left knee. She discovered there was a partial blood clot and, after the frequency treatment, I felt the tight, hard clot getting smaller and softer, like melted butter.  That evening, it was gone! I was amazed, after living with this clot for a couple of months, that the problem was resolved so quickly!  

Today, she used frequency to eliminate an abscess in my gums caused by a parasite/pathogenI felt the bump and swelling disappear.  The area of the abscess flattened out almost immediately!  The bump came back later, and again she used a frequency that quickly flattened the bump!   We addressed the root of the problem when my dentist discovered that the bone was infected, and I had a root canal.    

It is a miracle how quickly using frequencies works!

B. B.

Seattle, WA

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